Monday, June 18, 2018

An app that nags you for a good reason

Hi, what's needed for this project is 10,000 but Apps built with only 2-3 people, likely cost anywhere between $50,000 to $100,000.  We're managing to do the best we can with what we have but with marketing and other expenses it takes a whole lot more but we can manage with just 10,000 for that. With the Don't Ignore Me App. Small oversights can have big consequences... Something to do at a given time? Medicine to take at a certain hour? An SMS to send to wish a happy birthday? An Email to send next week? An important call to make at a precise moment? An important date to remember ?. I will also add In-App Products like more features to improve your reminders. This app will be on time and prompt it will remind you of the way your mother or loved one constantly reminds you not to do this and remember to do that they don't mean any harm just wants you not to forget what's really important and what you need to do in life.  And that's why the Don't Ignore Me App is the utility tool of all reminder apps. We are half way into production and on the 25th of june, this app will be ready to be introduced to the world.

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